Carers of East Lothian has a diverse staff team with a wide range of experience and expertise. Many staff work part time. Please contact the centre on 0131 665 0135 or if you think we can help and we will put you in touch with the most appropriate member of staff to support you.
Photo Credit: Sylvia, Goose Green Films
Jess Wade
Chief Executive Officer
Jess provides strategic leadership for Carers of East Lothian to support the Trustees in realising their vision for the organisation. Jess is keen to make sure that carers are at the centre of everything we do, so please do get in touch with your comments and suggestions.
Claire Spiden
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Claire’s role is to support, supervise and line manage the Carer Support Team and provide direct support to carers.
Kirsty Rootes
Admin and Finance Manager
Kirsty is responsible for administration at Carers of East Lothian and making sure that everyone gets a warm welcome at the Carers Centre.
Sandra Gemmell
Admin and Finance Officer
Sandra helps Kirsty and Sharon with administration and making everyone feel welcome at the Carers Centre.
Sharon McGoldrick
Admin Assistant
Sharon works with Sandra and Alison on administration and making everyone feel welcome at the Carers Centre.
Rowena Price
Hospital Link Worker
Rowena identifies supports and signposts unpaid carers in a ward setting at East Lothian Community Hospital in Haddington, ensuring carers are well placed to act as equal partners in care. In particular, Rowena supports carers to become more involved in planning for the future for people they care for, ensuring the carers are aware how to access support once patients are discharged into the community.
Lydia Eunson
Counselling Service Manager
Lydia oversees the counselling service, supporting volunteers and managing carer’s journey through the service, alongside holding a small client caseload.
Claire Thomas
Carer Support Worker – Mental Health
Claire supports carers throughout the county who are caring for someone with significant mental health problems.
Lisa McIlwraith
Welfare Rights Coordinator
Lisa can help identify what benefits you and the person you care for qualify for, and help you claim them. She can also help with challenging decisions and administrative errors and problems. Our Benefit enquiry line means you can get quick and straightforward help and advice on any welfare rights issue without having to go on a waiting list. Lisa also ensures the staff team have up to date training and knowledge so we can provide the best possible service to carers.
Gemma Twells-Davison
Communications and Engagement Coordinator
Gemma coordinates communications for CoEL and supports carers to have their voices heard in consultation, local and national service development and planning. Gemma coordinates a programme of events, workshops and training for carers.
Linda Walker
Building Better Breaks Development Worker
Linda is our Building Better Breaks Development Worker. Through the project ‘Time For Me’, she will help you to decide what break would best meet your needs and support you through the process.
Raj Singh
Group Worker (Men who Care)
Raj supports male carers through the delivery of a regular support group as well as offering 1:1 therapeutic support sessions.
Suzie Queripel
Carer Support Worker – West & Parent Carers
Suzie primarily supports carers in the west of the County and Parent Carers.
Catherine Cain
Volunteer and Training Coordinator
Catherine leads on volunteering at CoEL. She has a particular focus on supporting people with lived experience of caring to volunteer. Catherine oversees our telephone befriending programme. Catherine delivers CoEL’s ‘Think Carer’ training for professionals, raising awareness around carers.
Margaret Elliot
Carer Support Worker – East
Margaret primarily supports carers in the east of the county living in the Dunbar and East Linton area.
Aileen Gillies
Carer Support Worker – East
Aileen primarily supports carers in the east of the county living in the North Berwick Coastal area.
Julie Oswald
Carer Support Worker – Haddington and Rural and Care Home Link Worker
Julie primarily supports carers living in the Haddington and Rural areas. She is also our link worker with care homes in the County.
Louise Kennedy
Carer Support Worker – Haddington
Louise primarily support carers living in the Haddington and Lammermuir area.
Kirsteen Powell
Carer Support Worker – West
Kirsteen primarily supports carers in the West of the county living in the Musselburgh area.
Kate Horne
Carer Support Worker – West
Kate primarily supports carers in the West of the county living in the Prestonpans and Tranent area.