Life After Caring 

Over time your caring role is likely to change and may come to an end. Whatever the circumstances, changes to your caring role may bring very mixed emotions. We can support you through transitions, to prepare for endings and in the immediate aftermath of the event.

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Parent Carers

Carers of East Lothian provide support for Parent Carers. A Parent Carer is an adult who provides care for a child with additional support needs for whom they have parental responsibility. We can provide support to Parent Carers even if a medical diagnosis has not been given.

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Money and Benefits

We support carers and the people they care for to understand their financial options and to claim the Benefits they are entitled to. We can assist with completing forms, give advice on how to maximise income and explain what your options are if you think you might have to give up work in order to care for a friend or family member.

Mental Health

Mental health problems affects one person in three in Scotland. Mental Health Carers can be very isolated and struggle to cope with their loved one’s depression or erratic behaviour. We have a dedicated worker to support Mental Health Carers.

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Power of Attorney

Power of Attorney is important for people who are becoming less able. It can allow a friend or family member to manage their affairs and make decisions when they are no longer able to do so. We can provide information and help complete forms for FREE.

Support Groups and Workshops

We run a range of monthly support groups for carers across East Lothian and regular workshops and events to help ensure carers have the information they need. All these are friendly and welcoming and a good chance to meet other carers.

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Image: Tracy Anderson

Over time your caring role is likely to change and may come to an end. Whatever the circumstances, changes to your caring role may bring very mixed emotions. We can support you through transitions, to prepare for endings and in the immediate aftermath of the event.

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Image: Louise Anne Kennedy

Carers of East Lothian provide support for Parent Carers. A Parent Carer is an adult who provides care for a child with additional support needs for whom they have parental responsibility. We can provide support to Parent Carers even if a medical diagnosis has not been given.

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Image: Katarzyna Grabowskaa

We support carers and the people they care for to understand their financial options and to claim the Benefits they are entitled to. We can assist with completing forms, give advice on how to maximise income and explain what your options are if you think you might have to give up work in order to care for a friend or family member.

Image: Claire Mcdean

Mental health problems affects one person in three in Scotland. Mental Health Carers can be very isolated and struggle to cope with their loved one’s depression or erratic behaviour. We have a dedicated worker to support Mental Health Carers.

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Power of attorney

Power of Attorney is important for people who are becoming less able. It can allow a friend or family member to manage their affairs and make decisions when they are no longer able to do so. We can provide information and help complete forms for FREE.


Carers of East Lothian (CoEL) focuses on supporting carers so that they can continue to care for others. We can provide anything from a bit of practical advice when needed through to much more support for carers who are struggling to cope with the physical and emotional demands of caring for someone on a full time basis.

Our aims are to support all adults in a caring situation in East Lothian to get information and services to help their individual caring role, enhance their own wellbeing and strengthen their collective voice to improve services.

What we do

Who are carers?

Carers are people who provide help and support to a friend, neighbour or relative who could not manage otherwise because they are frail, have a long term illness or disability.

How we can help

Carers of East Lothian supports all adults in a caring situation in East Lothian to get information and services to help their individual caring role, enhance their own wellbeing, and strengthen their collective voice to improve services.

Our latest news



We are thrilled that we are in the customer vote for Tesco Stronger Starts. It’s a scheme which gives community projects like us grants of up to £1,500. Tesco customers will now vote in the North Berwick store between January and March to decide how much funding we get, so please support us next time …


The staff in the office were very helpful and supportive when I dropped in without warning a couple of weeks ago. They do a wonderful job. Thanks.
Friendly helpful and put you at ease.
Just to know you are not on your own and there is someone else you can rely upon when times are tough, really helpful.
Feel totally at ease when we use CoEL. Their knowledge is excellent.

Support contacts

If you need urgent support, the following contacts may be able to help:

Medical advice when your GP practice is closed and you cannot wait until they are open.  


01875 824309  (Telephone Contact Centre, office hours)

The Emergency Social Work Service (ESWS) provides an emergency social work service for situations that can’t wait until social work office hours.

In an emergency situation outside our social work office hours, please call (Freephone) 0800 731 6969.

A confidential phone and web-based service for people with low mood, depression or anxiety.

0800 83 85 87

Talk any time you like, in your own way, and off the record – about whatever’s getting to you.

0845 790 90 90