Carers of East Lothian (CoEL) focuses on supporting carers so that they can continue to care for others. We can provide anything from a bit of practical advice when needed through to much more support for carers who are struggling to cope with the physical and emotional demands of caring for someone on a full time basis.
Our aims are to support all adults in a caring situation in East Lothian to get information and services to help their individual caring role, enhance their own wellbeing and strengthen their collective voice to improve services.
What we do
How we can help

Our latest news


Support contacts
If you need urgent support, the following contacts may be able to help:
Medical advice when your GP practice is closed and you cannot wait until they are open.
01875 824309 (Telephone Contact Centre, office hours)
The Emergency Social Work Service (ESWS) provides an emergency social work service for situations that can’t wait until social work office hours.
In an emergency situation outside our social work office hours, please call (Freephone) 0800 731 6969.
A confidential phone and web-based service for people with low mood, depression or anxiety.
Talk any time you like, in your own way, and off the record – about whatever’s getting to you.