Welcome to the Carers of East Lothian Community Forum
Established to enable carers to support themselves and each other
To use the forums you need to Register for an Account on the site, or Log In if you already have an account.
Forum Rules
Carers of East Lothian’s mission is to support all adults in a caring situation in East Lothian to get information and services to help their individual caring role, enhance their own wellbeing and strengthen their collective voice to improve services.
The aim of our forum is to enable carers to support each other and themselves through online peer support opportunities. Our forum helps us meet the following outcome:
- Carers are supported to maintain their own physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing
Our forum is grouped into different subject areas that we think are relevant for carers. If you think anything is missing, please let us know.
To make sure everyone gets the most out of our forum, we ask everyone to follow our forum rules:
- When you join our forum, your first few posts will be pre-moderated. This means they will only become visible to others once a forum moderator has read them.
- Please try to post in the most relevant sub-forum. Messages posted in the wrong subject area will be moved by our moderators to the most relevant sub-forum.
- The main aim of the forum is to enable carers to support each other and themselves. Please bear this in mind when you are posting, and show respect and care for your fellow forum users.
- Whilst our forum is a supportive space, please remember that it is not a place to seek expert advice and do be mindful of what information you share about yourself and your situation.
- If you are concerned about any posts / comments, please report these to our moderators using the report button ().
- If you have care-related items that you are no longer using, that you would like to donate to other carers (eg riser recliner chair), please post on the relevant sub-forum Useful donations for carers. No other selling is allowed, and nor is any spamming or advertising.
- Finally, no illegal posts, including hate speech of any kind, and no personal attacks.
Posts / comments that do not follow our forum rules will be deleted and forum users who repeatedly break our forum rules will be banned.
Carers of East Lothian Forum
CoEL News
Visit to hear about the support at Carers of East Lothian, including, information about training, events and regular groups for carers.