East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership (ELHSCP) is inviting carers of all ages to a big day out at Foxlake Adventures near Dunbar on Friday 11 June 2021 as part of the celebrations for Carers Week 2021.
As everyone has been very much stuck at home during the last year, they would like to take the opportunity of the easing in restrictions to offer carers a chance to get out and about in the open air.
They are offering morning and afternoon sessions at Foxlake, so you can choose times that best suit your circumstances. You can bring the person you care for with you. Alternatively, they can explore replacement care options with you so that you are free to come on your own. They can also offer help with getting you to and from Foxlake.
There are lots of activities on offer at Foxlake if you want to try something challenging and exciting, such as wakeboarding or the Ziptrail (See Foxlake website for full details). However, if a stroll and a cup of tea sound more appealing to you, this is an option too. ELHSCP will be be offering free morning coffee or afternoon tea to everyone who comes. The whole event is FREE and Foxlake’s team and ELHSCP staff will be on hand to help.
To register for this event, please download a copy of the Big Day Out Application Form and send your completed form to Jane Ogden-Smith
- Via email to jogden-smith@eastlothian.gov.uk
- Via post to Carers’ Big Day Out, ELHSCP, Room 211, John Muir House, Brewery Park, Haddington EH41 3HA
Please register as soon as possible (and preferably by 31st April)
Go on…take the plunge. ELHSCP are looking forward to seeing you at Foxlake!