In the lead up to Carers Week, carers were invited to participate in photography workshops with our very own Carer Support Worker Louise Kennedy who studied photography and does a lot of photography in her spare time. They learnt lots of tips to help them to take a really good snap, as well as considering how a photo can tell a story.
Carers were then invited to submit images in response to any of the following words: ‘Escapism’ ‘Pressure’ ‘Time’ ‘Self-care’.
The following is a selection of the images that were submitted. Hover over the image to read a descriptive caption and click into the image to take a closer look at the photograph. If you would like to see these photos in person, they can be seen at The Fraser Centre in Tranent where they will hang for the duration of Carers Week 10th – 16th June 2024.
The carer who submitted these photographs responded to the words ‘escapism’ and ‘self-care’. Spending time in nature, spotting wildlife and getting outdoors is how he looks after his health and wellbeing.
I’m Liz. Being identified is kind of like normalising caring and reducing the mystique about who is a career I think – emphasising how common it is and how often it’s not a conscious choice, it’s just something you find yourself doing!
I cared for my Mum who was in her 90’s and had a variety of needs on account of multiple physical health problems, mobility issues and latterly dementia. Also have a caring role with my daughter who has a severe long-standing skin condition and was diagnosed with MS during the pandemic. She strives to continue working, but she faces daily challenges which can become too much for her – and me too, but we’re in it together!
Photos submitted by Urszula Sagalara in response to the words “time” and “escapism”: