Under the Public Bodies (Joint Working)(Scotland) Act 2014, NHS Lothian and East Lothian Council have agreed that East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership will assume responsibility for the planning and commissioning of adult health and social care services in 2015.
As an integral element of the establishment of the Health and Social Care Partnership in East Lothian a consultation process has been initiated on a key document – the first consultation draft Strategic Plan.
Carers of East Lothian invite you to a meeting to formulate a collective response to the draft strategic plan on behalf of unpaid carers in East Lothian. This will be a valuable opportunity to influence the development and delivery of health and social care services, for adults, over the next ten years. The meeting will be attended by other unpaid carers, Andrew Tweedy (Director of Carers of East Lothian) and some board members.
We would like to invite you along to this event which will also include time for some light lunch, on Wednesday 21st January 2015, from 10.30am – 12.30pm, in our offices at 94 High Street, Musselburgh, EH21 7EA.
If you are unable to come along to the event but would still like to give your comments about the draft Strategic Plan, then you can do so by following link: https://eastlothianconsultations.co.uk/policy-partnerships/v2-health-and-social-care. A copy of the draft Strategic Plan can also be found here.
We would be grateful if you could confirm your attendance either via email or telephone to Sharon Byrne at either sharon@coel.org.uk or on 0131 665 0135.