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David Binnie appointed as Carers Representative IJB

David Binnie has been appointed as the Carers Representative of the Integration Joint Board (IJB) for East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP).

David’s role as the Carers Representative is to ensure that the views and interests of unpaid carers are taken into account by the IJB, which is responsible for planning, resourcing and overseeing the delivery of integrated health and social care services in East Lothian. He will also work closely with other IJB members, HSCP staff and partner organisations to promote and improve the support available for carers.

We are very pleased to hear about David’s appointment as we know that David has extensive experience in the field of caring, including his own lived experience of unpaid caring and as former Chair of Carers of East Lothian.

Follow the link to an article from East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership for more information about David’s appointment.

David Binnie Carers Representative IJB, East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership

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