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East Lothian Breaks from Caring Special Fund

***This fund is now closed due to the volume of applications we have already received***

Carers of East Lothian (CoEL) has received additional funding from the Scottish Government (Time to Live fund administered by Shared Care Scotland) to offer unpaid carers on low incomes a grant of up to £400 to take a break from their caring responsibilities (terms and conditions apply).

The grant can be spent on anything that would help you to maintain your wellbeing at this difficult time – IT or exercise equipment, entertainment subscriptions, online classes, hobby materials, replacement care hours with a private agency etc.

Carers of adults (cared for over the age of 20), parent carers of children and young people (cared for up to the age of 20) and young carers are all eligible to apply for a grant.

Please note all grants awarded through this scheme  must be spent by 31st March 2021.

For further information please speak to your carer support worker or contact us on 0131 665 0135 or email centre@coel.org.uk.