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Karen’s story

Hi, I’m Karen. I’m a Mum to two young children and a carer for my Dad.  I first got in contact with Carers of East Lothian when my dad had a dip in his mental health. I contacted them to get some support for me and to seek advice on how to help him. He has recently been diagnosed with frontal temporal dementia. Caring for my dad means everything to me. I’m giving back what he did for me when I was younger and unable to care for myself.

My biggest challenge as a carer is having to split myself between being a Mum and supporting my Dad. My biggest hurdle was when I wasn’t being listened to when I said my Dad was displaying behaviour that was alarming me.  Also navigating appointments and support for Dad when I have two younger children who need me too. I had to fight for two years to get a diagnosis for my Dad.

A break from caring allows me to focus a little on myself and what my needs are and if I need some support. It is going to see my friends and going on day outings.  Having time away helps me to have positive mental health and time to switch off from my roles.

The biggest change I would like for unpaid carers is more time for the carer to be able to relax knowing our loved ones are in safe hands.  On a personal note I would like more training and information on how best to help and support my Dad. I would like to learn more about his condition to best support him, such as techniques and tips to help support him on a daily basis. I’d like to understand it better.

I also do some volunteering at weekend in a ward with elderly people. It helps me to gain more knowledge and helps me to be Karen. I meet some lovely people and help support them too.  

My dad is on the younger side for having dementia. If feels like there isn’t a lot of peer support from people my age in a similar situation.

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