Our Time for Me small grants are funded by the Scottish Government and East Lothian Council. (Please note that we cannot accept applications from carers who have already received a Time for Me grant within the past 12 months.)
Apply for financial support to enable you to enjoy some time for yourself and have a break from your caring responsibilities.
The average Time for Me grant is around £350 but the amount will vary depending on your individual needs and circumstances.
See attached Guidance Note for full details of criteria: Time for Me GUIDANCE NOTE Apr24-Mar25.
Please note that grants are dependent on availability of funds and cannot be guaranteed. If you have not received support from Carers of East Lothian previously, you may be asked to provide a reference to verify your caring role.
To apply, please phone us on 0131 665 0135 or complete our online referral form to request a Time for Me conversation with our Building Better Breaks Development Worker.