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Carer Financial Insecurity Fund

Carers of East Lothian (COEL) has received funding from East Lothian Health & Social Care Partnership (ELHSCP) to offer small grants of up to £80 to carers who are facing financial insecurity.

If you are struggling to pay essential bills or buy food (and other basic necessities such as sanitary products) please contact us on 0131 665 0135 or at centre@coel.org.uk to request a call from our welfare rights worker Lisa McIlwraith.

Our welfare rights worker will go through a short application form with you over the phone and discuss any other financial support you may be entitled to at the same time. All applications must be completed by 31st March 2021.

Please note this fund is open to any carer who is struggling financially not only those in receipt of benefits. For example, you would be eligible to apply for a grant if you were a having difficulty making ends meet because you had been furloughed or had extra expenses to cover with homeschooling.