Home » What Brings Me Joy

An introduction to what brings me joy

“Whilst having a conversation with a colleague she noticed that my face lit up when I talked about a particular topic,” explains carer support worker Mags Bryan, “And so the idea of a daily invitation to share what brings us joy to mark Carers Week 2020 was born.”

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Wednesday: what brings me joy by Linda Walker

These things remind me how good it is to be alive and how fortunate I am to live in East Lothian, where I can relax and enjoy the beauty of nature and forget for a moment the turmoil in the world around me…

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Thursday: what brings me joy by Jess Wade

The joy comes in when you realise that someone else took the time and trouble to leave you a message when they didn’t even know if or when you would be there, something to brighten your day and make you smile, and it invariably does.  

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Friday: what brings me joy by Jenny Swan

I usher at every concert I am physically able to manage – up to three a day! By the end of the ten days I feel like I’ve been wrapped up in a cosy blanket. This festival brings me so much joy!

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Carers’ contributions

As part of our “what brings me joy” series to mark Carers Week 2020 we invited carers to share any images of the things that gladden their hearts. Carer Jacki responded to our call with this inspiring story.

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