Since 2009, the International Menopause Society (IMS), in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), has designated October as World Menopause Awareness Month, with 18 October celebrated as World Menopause Awareness Day.
World Menopause Day is held every year on the 18th of October. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of the menopause and the support options available for improving health and wellbeing for all those going through the menopause.
Even though menopause is a normal part of the life course, women report feeling unprepared and unsupported for the impact menopause and menopausal symptoms may have on their life – including their work life, home life, self-esteem, confidence and sex life – their physical, and their mental health.
NHS Inform have a series of useful videos about the menopause. The short clinical information videos cover various areas, from menopause myths to hormone replacement therapy. You can view them by following this link.
The ALLIANCE and the Scottish Government are hosting a free online event to discuss the menopause to mark World Menopause Day. The session will focus on empowering women through the menopause. It is important that women feel informed about what to expect during the menopause, and feel confident seeking support when they require it. Guest speakers will talk about menopause signs, symptoms and treatment options, along with tips on talking about the menopause with your GP.
There will be a panel of experts:
• Dr Kay McAllister, Consultant Gynaecologist, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
• Dr Sigi Joseph, GP Partner, NHS Lothian
The session will feature presentations, and a short Q&A. Please note, speakers cannot give any individual medical advice, but if you wish to put a question to them then you can email Alliance by 11th October at They may not be able to include all questions on the day.
This session open to anyone that wishes to learn more about the menopause. Health professionals are welcome to join, although discussion will not focus on diagnosis or managing menopausal concerns from a professional perspective.
To register for the webinar, click this link to complete this short booking form.
Please find a leaflet developed by the International Menopause Society on Menopause and Menopause Hormone Therapy, as this is the theme of this year’s Menopause Awareness Day.